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Pastoral Care

Bancroft’s pastoral system, a cornerstone of our school, ensures pupils thrive and maximise their opportunities in a friendly, supportive environment.

We prioritise individual care and proactive wellbeing, with our House system at the core of pastoral care, ensuring tutors and House staff are always accessible to pupils and parents.

On a daily basis, the tutor is the first port of call, fostering the academic, co-curricular and pastoral welfare of each pupil and our Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) programme is delivered in House groups.

The Deputy Head, Pastoral, oversees safeguarding, with counselling available for those in need. House staff, leading assemblies and activities, encourage community spirit and healthy competition through sports and arts, enhancing House identitities and unity among pupils, parents, and staff.

Our pastoral evenings offer parents insights into managing academic pressures, digital technology, and mental wellbeing, fostering a comprehensive support network for our Bancroft’s family.