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Being Bancroft's

At Bancroft’s, we take pride in our comprehensive approach to pupil development, revolving around an educational framework known as BeingBancroft’s.

We see our BeingBancroft's programme as extending a pupil’s commitment as a Bancroftian beyond academics and embracing a holistic approach to school life.

This is a rounded educational philosophy running through the whole of the school which guides pupils to take full advantage of the huge range of different opportunities on offer; whether immersed in academic research, being out on the sports fields, taking part in charitable activities, acting on the stage, playing music or attending some of our numerous clubs and societies, we want our pupils to challenge themselves and learn by taking part wholeheartedly in school life.

The journey begins in Lower School. To complete the first two years of Being Bancroft’s, pupils must provide two pieces of evidence per strand of the framework each year.

The five strands are:
• Community
• Futures
• Scholarship
• Creativity
• Physical Activity

Illustration of threads with different strand labelled for the Beyond Bancrofts Concept

Strand 1


Devoting your time, skills and effort to helping others or the environment, whether in our own school community, the local community or the wider world.

Strand 2


Engage in careers activities and endeavours that demonstrate innovation, entrepreneurship, and leadership. Our dedicated Careers, Innovation and Entrepreneurship team will help guide you.

Strand 3


Show your passion for at least one academic area beyond the standard curriculum. This could involve doing wider reading, attending a club, or contributing to a magazine. Dive into your interests and let your curiosity guide you.

Strand 4


Our co-curricular programme offers three main areas of creative activity: music, drama, and art. Additionally, many school clubs provide opportunities to create, make, and perform. Explore these avenues to express your creative potential.

Strand 5

Physical Activity

Sport, CCF, and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme all provide opportunities for physical activity. This could also include a sustained commitment to a school team or any club that gets you moving, like yoga or nature walking.