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11+ Admissions

Entry Information and Requirements

Entry at 11+ into Year 7 is on the basis of performance in entrance tests and at interview.

Apply Here

11+ Admissions Journey for September 2025

  • Saturday 8 June 2024 - 11+ Open Morning
  • Saturday 5 October 2024 - Whole School Open Morning
  • Wednesday 16 October 2024 - Information Morning
  • Wednesday 6 November 2024 - School in Action Morning
  • Wednesday 13 November 2024 - Closing date for completion of Initial Form for Assisted Places
  • Sunday 1 December 2024 - Closing date for registrations
  • Mid December 2024 - Candidates notified of details and times of assessments
  • Tuesday 7 January 2025 - Assessment day at Bancroft's School
  • Saturday 25 January 2025 - Interviews (by invitation)
  • Thursday 20 February - Offers emailed
  • Thursday 27 February 2025 - Offer Holder Morning
  • Friday 7 March 2025 - Acceptance deadline: 10am
Entry Requirements
Entrance Assessments
Fee Paying Places

Pupils display exemplary and aspirational attitudes to their learning.

ISI Inspection Report 2022